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Sensory circuit dice

Sensory circuit dice

These sensory circuit dice are great to be used in schools, home and on your travels. All the actions on the dice require no props or equipment, which makes them a great option for on the go. Why not use a sand timer or your phones stopwatch to time each move too.

Simply print off,  cut the dice out and fold along the dotted lines and stick together using a pritt stick or cellotape. To give the dice a more sturdy construction, glue the dice to a cereal box (cardboard) before cutting it out.


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    This resource is only available at

    It is for sole user download only, and is not to be reproduced for profit. It is also not to be shared on any other website. This resource was created using Widgit online© 2002-2024 using climbing the rainbows commercial licence. The widgit symbols© contained in these printables remain copyrighted to widgit.

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