Our free downloads
Since the start of Covid-19, I have been making free printable resources for individuals with additional needs. It has always been my belief, that everyone has the right to be included. These free resources were created with the ambition, to help others understand the world around them and the changes that are occurring. I regularly add new free visuals that cover various topics/situations of life in our shop section.
In addition to this you will also find visuals for sale, these visuals are either pre-made around certain topic/situations or you can contact me to purchase personalised visuals.
All our visuals can be found in our shop section, simply add the visuals you want to your basket, and follow the checkout procedure. For our free visuals all that is required is your name and email address, you can put 000 for your telephone number. Your visuals will be sent to your email address for download.
Available to purchase
Melanie can create personalised visual resources such as charts, social stories and activity planners. The resources can be created to suit individual needs, as well as schools/ organisations. These resources vary from £1-£3 per visual.